Friday, December 17

just a step is all i need.

Just one step closer towards a fine and cold holiday. Tomorrow will be the last class, the last sufferance of this tiring and hard year.
The fatigue and pressure are a great impact in my life. My life of a simple man learning to become wise by not stepping on his own poop. My simple definition of wise.
Because poop itself is a waste, and learning to hold your feet of steeping on the waste you tried to disintegrate is cool enough.
Learning to survive alone, trying to hold the cane with your own trembling. Walking with your surrounding's reflections rather that giving out and projects your own blurry image. Or maybe the image itself is so blurry that it defines a total perplexity for others. Well, the best thing of walking in the shadow is that you don't have the blame of committing errors to yourself, or feeling guilty of the mistake due to your own clumsy manner.

And you can play hide a seek. hiding through the vast accumulating shadows. lost in the darkness. too afraid to go out and smell the fresh air of responsibility. afraid to look up cuz the sunlight ray is so dense, it pokes your eyes till they break into tears. Not enough courage, to walk by your own path then commit a mistake,to fall, and succumb, to get hurt or even burned, to feel the pain, and the bruises decorated on your hand. a mark of a true warrior.
Walk around with blood represent the downfall and the hardship you learn from life. walk tall with the broken nose, a nice smell of blood dripping through your nose, having different cuts throughout your faces. Then you walk with high attitude. feeling proud.

And i sit there, all alone in my tiny spot. staring and staring, afraid to make the first pace. so maybe afraid to feel hurt. and just wondering, when will my savior save me from this horror of staring at a dark image of yourself.

"Dear God, navigate me towards the right path and holds my paces from the path of evil. and help me in collecting the hints to construct a better home.a more welcoming and warmth one. because ime still long enough in defining my way back home...."

Sunday, December 5

berlagak hebat.

erm. saja nak buat lutsinar, sebab bila buat pantul.
Nnti rasa bersalah dan segan. sebab tak cukup kuat tok kluarkan getaran.
Saja pakai pedang bila mnyampaikan. sebab kalau bersahaja, kita akan tidak dipedulikan.
Pakai pedang untuk berkomunikasi, biarkan salah paham. janji dapat lepas resah dan kerinduan.
Kekadang tak paham. tpi kefahaman yang mmbutukan kita,
kekadang kita buat endah tak endah, tapi ble ringtone... semua tak reti nak luahkan.

Senyap belagak hebat, padahal rindu tapi tak pandai nk melayang.
Tak perlu jaringan, sebb yang pasti kite punya enam! soz. senyuman.

Sunday, November 28

Petite Serah...

Hye Serah. you look cute today. sorry i can't spend my time with you. you know, Snow is getting weak since last time. but still i think he can manage. and it's kinda hard to deal with him. beside, snow is fighting with all his might. i think he can manage all troubles without any of your worries. wait for yeah. when snow finish what he's dealing with. we can ofcuz be together. spending our perfect moment.
And serah, will you not stop smiling, and for me. I'll smile as long as you want me too.
Love, Hope.

Wednesday, November 24

waiting to die...

Is it possible to see your life through somebody's else eyes. :D
desperate emotions struggling to break through, but in the end. The door's shut tight and i'm grasping for more air to lengthen my living a bit more. i have this funny pounding in my chest. knocking to break free. and killing all my rational thinking for it's desire is more i can handle. no matter how hard i try, in the end. i still bow down hating for my own weakness. lost the war as i can see my self waiting to succumb and the land is filled with torments for i can only feel when my body collapse. herm.

no matter how hard i try. i still cannot resist this devilish temptation. perhaps one day, when my heart stop pounding and my gaze became blurry. well. the end is still a long way. so please guide me through my life. maybe a little hint for me to find my back home...

or a little lift perhaps. thank you...

Thursday, November 11

give two object and i'll covey you their images, with a simplified form of a function, i'll lead them with no doubts cuz even though the road is long, when there's a will of finding it. a glimpse is all it takes.
jump like an evaporating spirit of joy, then land with a calm sensation of satisfaction.
the road is twisted, still i keep my eyes open to deter from any obstacles.
people walk with their nose high up, pretending to be the one. still leave a trail of dust to be detected.
If only beating heart can be seen. then there's no need for a confession to be heard.

Sunday, October 31


mcm mane perasaan duduk sorang?
meh sni nak hurai dengan lebih mendalam.
"When i wake up of the trembling sound from the church bell, it resonates through my eardrum, knocking me hard to my consciousness , I notice it's 7 in the morning, and it's still subuh prayer time, wake up lazily, founding myself in front of the mirror. with my messy hair, slowly open the water tap, and watch it flows... I stand still in this quietness of dawn.
Wash my face, brush my teeth, and froze as steel, i tilt my head, and see a lonely face, suddenly i knock my head to reality. let go all problems at ease. and finish my business in the bathroom.

AS i finish my prayer, i prepare a bowl of cereal and a cup of coffee for breakfast, and i sit down staring at my own meal. turn my head around, and sigh for only cold air as my company. and i stay still, lost against the space. as though a living in an air tight vacuum, with no fresh air squeezing through. and then i bargain my way through life. What is more suffocating than lonely? because in my view, lonely tortures.

As though you are free to inhale the air, but the air won't flow through you, and you need to chase after them to make you live a second or two.

When you reach for the door, the doorknob refuse to turn, you give all your efforts to open the door but only realize your are the one turning it the wrong way.

When you try to sleep and cover yourself comfortably, your bed suddenly knock yourself to the ground, and instead, you doze on the floor, sulking from your own mind that forgot the bed is in the other room.


'"'in my view. lonely tortures, and it gets worse when you try to find company, and
it lets you down. "'

"peace form this small thought of mind rebelling to see life from a brighter angle...."

Thursday, October 21

my own world

Can you imagine of how a simple tiny part of ourself can somehow be the navigation of every pace we'r going through. Guiding us through all the hardship and anxiety of what our mistakes and agony lead us. But then it rebels and sending an impulsive caring signals of directions so that we can hold our next pace and rotate towards a brighter angle. So at the end of the road we'll have another path that divides in a naturally designed patterns of happiness. But sometimes, we forget to close our eyes, and feel it's beating.

Once you open the door, it leaps and pumps with excitement! You see an overflowing river of hope that never cease. So that when your hope crumbles you can stop by and refill.

You then turn 90 degree rotation west, u see a strong mountain chesting high his pride. Your curiosity blinds your intimidation. You lay there on the mountanis bed, staring at the sky. You smile when you then realise the mountains stand tall as a pillar supporting all the loads he receive....resembling the love you share, serves as a cane when your heart bursts to tears. But still holds yourself upright to fight the despair. No matter how tough life experiences teach you, once you have love, mere obstacle can be overcome with just a little pump of blood. We can easily wipe it out with a simple source of love acting as a fuel to keep it's harmony rhythm. Your lifetime compass. Sharing love and responding to you heart.... you will be surprise of how strong you will be.

You were sleeping peacefully when you suddenly open your eyes, and realise how wide the sky is, giving you the feeling of being home. When you tilt your head staring at the sky. It will always remain vast. Whenever you feel lost in this midst chaos of defining your trueself. Knock your head up a little and then you will face a serene sensation of faith!? A pure quietness, tranquility. it vows to give you serenity, and you blink saying thank you. firmly gripping your shirt of where your heart is positioned.

""can you be the check mark so that my heart can find you when we are both lost in finding our back home??""

Smiling graciously, golding your hand up, an act trying to grab the sky and secure it in your heart. So you will never feel so lonely again. because lonely tortures.

Sunday, October 17

lost in tragedy...

Will you wait me with an open arm and a sweet hug?

A beautiful sweet black dressed lady waiting in inquisitive expressions of desperation to her one beloved husband. Dreaming of an overturn world that turbulates her peaceful mind.
But still she sits awaiting in hugh expectations to see a loving face she once knew.
She walks back and forth and had wasted her youth. To expect a love from an uncaring lad that leaves her behind like an item of no use.
Still she holds her tears, because tears only fell for those who dont believe in hope but in her mind resonates in a beatiful echo of anticipation, of a future she once decorated, with shining stars blinking in action.

Her husband stays astray in his owm world of shame. Afraid to face reality or creates another fantasy, he once filled with hope but today he lost against the slope,
the degree of frustations is to high, he lost regarding all the balance he tries to conquer, uncapable towards the strengh he tries to conjure,
floating in anger, of a mistake he once lured.
A beauty that turns out to be the lust that results in an overflowing dust of regret.
He breathes every single one of them praying to just evaporates like a boiling water that floats freely once turn to steam. Forgetting about the past and move along the stream.
He regrets of not appreciating the true love he had for his wife but then eager to find another one. Which is no other than an imagination of his own foolishnes.

He stands there crying and praying of all the sins he comited. Will it be least in burden for him to carry?! So he can move on and return to her fulfiling the lost dream they once carved!?

Saturday, October 16

as midnight arrives

what is cool!
As midnight arrives and we prepare for a new day, please remember living your life by resourceful philosophy that all men are inherently good, is cool, treating all people as u wish to be treated is cool, giving your own life to respect that it deserves, that's the coolest of em all.

a clueless walking body

If they hide themselves among the population of this earth.
i'll simply point out blindfold their differences, Because they persistently hold their positions
of; consisting; composing; dwelling; decorated with;
clueless enigma, a hope that begets betrayal, outstanding treachery in our beliefs,
ironical how they lost the ability to believe while the parchments of love still resist,
walking around with their sarcasm attire, pretending to be the peacemaker
while hiding their true desires, a hopeless walking corps smirking in our happy hour.


Down with your ambitious greed of discarding peace! Fall to the ground and plea for forgiveness! Cry blood! And leave our happy reunion alone! You walk around head high, nodding in every smiling faces you receive, pretending to be the man who give,
While the bloody hand we do shake, another soul returns at peace, leaving a crying soul-mate in disbelieve of what a treacherous world we all live.

Living a world of undetermined future, while this home we crave for more, stumbling it's strong pillars that keeps our feet to the ground! and maintain our gravity nine point ninty eight, But they proudly walking chest high smiling in pleasure of the comfort we all treasure! and for sure we are a blinded by their talking resolutions and peace loving policy. We held our hand high up demanding for more, kneeling our honor to the ground while kissing their blood-shredded hand. praising them like lord, and forgetting our true God.
We bow low, kissing their ugly feet while they hold a dagger ready to slash us in bits. And in the end, what a beautiful life do we have? (laughing in irony )

proudly saying.

Wednesday, October 13

Don't talk bad.

Stop talking bad about others.
Do you want to know something about our friend?

Wait a minute, Before you start telling, i would like to give you a test.
There simple questions, if you pass them, then i'll be glad to hear those news,
First: The news you want to talk about, are you sure that it is the true?

I dont know, i just heard it from a friend.

Good, you don't know if it's true or not, but still you want to talk about it. Ok, let's get to the second question. The news you want to talk about, is it a good part of him or a bad part of him?

It's his bad part.

So, you want to tell me something bad about your friend which you don't know if it's true or not? The last question is,
The news you are about to tell, will it be useful for me?

No, not really.

So, the news you want to talk about is neither true, nor good nor useful, so why do you insist on telling me so?

It's fun right just to hear bad stuffs from our friend? haha.

come and let's fly together...

If you were a bird, than i'll be the fine cool air that lifts you upwards, if you were blinded by the soaring ray from the sun, i'll be the clouds that hovers to keep you guided.
If the moon is so dense in the eerie night, mind you, i'll keep you company till the first sunlight that gleams on your pretty face. Let us fly both together in searching our way home, if we then find ourself astray, save our anxiety and rejoice this moment we struggle to regain our direction. I'll be your compass and your backpack, i'll take the lead while serve you with the best.

I love seeing your smiling face, cuz your smile keeps me afloat. don't erase that sweet smile, cuz the blurry image will filled my heart with loath.
I feel lost and insecure but you are my only cure, stay by me side and lift me up high! Say hi to me and never say goodbyes, cuz for sure we'll meet again signing this lovely lulaby
Till next time friend...

Sunday, August 29

Selamat jalan...

malam terakhir ku. ku berharap kau mengucapkan slmat jalan! Erm.. ke aku yg kne cakap slamat jalan? Dari segi bahasa, "selamat jalan" diucapkan kepada mereka yang pergi meninnggalkan daripada mereka yang ditinggalkan erm. dalam situasi sekarang. aku yang meninggalkan ko pergi, so mengikut istilah, ko yang kne ucap! atopon mungkin kau tak ucap kat aku sebab kau tak rasa diri kau ditinggalkan..dan maknenya, kita tak pernah bersama??

..terkenang saat dlu ble kau hiburkan aku dengan nyanyian-nyanyian kebudakkan mu....haha. selamat jalan.....

Wednesday, August 25


Kini. Wong Mei Choo berhempas pulas bertahan dan menyerang pemain Rusia, Ella Diehl. Dengan rambut disimpul pusing-pusing(".")?? ke belakang. Beliau memukul bak dewi di gelanggang megah berlari-lari mencari kesilapan lawannya. Itu dia, pemain negara kita. Begitu hebat memukul dan bertahan. Beliau lah harapan perseorangan Malaysia bgi wanita setelah tertumpasnya Lydia yang bertembung dengan pemain German semlam.Dengan bersaksikan ChongWei sebagai penonton dan penyokong di bangku belakang. Beliau mmpunya semngat yg kentar menghayun raket Yonex nya. Dengan baju biru bertakhtakan PROTON di hadapan besar terlihat! Beliau bergerak di Gelanggang bak bermain-main bersama lawannya (*_*)???

Tapi kesal sekali, pabila beliau kalah set kedua dengan 21-15 tapi dengan kemenangan pada set pertama tidak merendahkan semngat beliau. Semuanya bergantung kepada startegi yang beliau laksanakan pada set ketiga nnti! Semngant membawa nama Mlaysia bergema di persada dunia kentar di dadanya! Skong! hehe.

p/s... menjadi pemberita berbahasa melayu lagi best dari dengar penyampai berite BI kat Astro Supersport nie. hahaha (+_+) aku hebat....


Hafiz kalah ngun Chong Wei dlm perlawanan Persorangan Lelaki di Paris.
Hati ni bersorak keriangan dan berduka meratap kesedihan!


Aku berangan...
Kalaulah aku reti main saham. Dan dapat keuntungan yang berlipat-lipat ganda setiap hari. Aku akan meraung dn menjerit kepada sesiapa sahaja dlm rumah nie "AKU KAYA...."
fuuuh... indahnya mimpi aku nie....

Ade orang yg pengaruh die kuat tau lam idup aku. dia cakap an!
"Ko stadi selame-lame nie tok ape? Apa yang ko harap dapat dari ko stadi nie? Ke ko saje je nk buang masa selama 10 thun ko stadi sejak dri skolah rendah smpai masuk ke MRSM?"

Betul lah an, bila kita tkde motif atau matlamat, macam kita berbuang masa ah an. Betul lah an ckap die, ape motif aku stadi selama nie? dan aku pikir-pikir balik. makin lame aku pikir. makin tkde semngat aku nk bukk buku. bosannye stadi! Asal aku bersusah payah berpeluh-peluh lak tu. Adeh. Waktu aku form 4 lah! waktu tu. aku masih buntu!

"Sebenarnya im. ko kene letak tujuan utama ko stadi nie sebenarnye tok DUIT! Ko paham tak! tok jadi kaya! tok ko hidup senang nnti! Ko stadi sebab ko nak dapat kerja yang bagus dan ko nk bagi makan anak bini ko sme tuh! ko kne ade duit im! itu motif ko stadi skrang! ko letak ketepi motif-motif lain, ko setkan kepale otak ko! DUIT! DUIT! DUIT!" beliau smbung lagi.

oOoo. soz segala penat lelah aku hanye tok duit!? (~.~)
So... tuh je ke jawapan dari penat lelah aku menimba ilmu? Hanya tok duit? Hanya tok mndapat kesenangan? aish.
kan best kalau kenyataan nie benar dn tk dapat disangkal! kan best kalau segala tunjuk ajar "beliau" tuh ak dapat terime bulat-bulat dan ikut seperti "lembu dicucuk hidung". Kan best kalau dapat abaikan segala tanggungjawab hidup ni, biarkan saja pikiran kita melayang dan melihat dari sudut tepi sebagai penonton sahaja... kan best kalau kita dapat ambil jalan mudah jew... erm. duit-duit-duit-duit. kenapa?!

Sudi ke kita? Mencari jalan mudah jew? Sudi ke kite mnjadi penonton dn lihat arus dunia mmbelai kita dengan manja dengan senyuman-senyuman snis yang ditawarkan? Sudi ke kita mengabaikan tanggungjawab dan menggoyang kaki smbil pikiran kita melayang?
Bermakna... tujuan aku stadi bukan tok duit... sebab aku tak sudi.

p/s... post mnjadi begitu kebendaan dan keduniaan sebab wang menjadi krisis skrang. Banyak barang yang perlu dibeli, banyak keperluan dan kahausan nafsu yang perlu dibelai, tpi sumber kewangan menyekat segala-galanya!

Monday, August 23

kalau kami paham....

Kalau lah kami paham ape yang dilaungkan Tunku Abdul Rahman ketika merdeka. kalaulah kami paham akan perjuangan yang dilalui prajurit-prajurit dan perjuang-perjuang kebangsaan. Kalaulah mereka paham usaha yang mereka curahkan untuk menghormati dan mendaulatkan Perlembagaan. Kalaulah kami semua paham
.... haish....

what are we struggling for till now?

Some people wonder what actually life is about? Is it just
to be an anonymous person without any objective nor something we hold dearly in our heart!

Sometimes I reject this truth of believing something is more than just life. But somehow I didn't let myself astray even more. There must be something that follows after our death. We don't just go to an empty vacuum space, and our soul will linger there forever, and forever. Imagine yourself, breathing, you can move your fingers but your hands are well tight and, you can feel the air ticle your little toe under but your feet are all attached and you can barely move a muscle, Imagine yourself floats in an empty space without any boundary, you are attached to a pole, and the pole just simply floats and moves your body wherever the current of air push you. And you just stand there silently, stare at the open sky and you speak soundlessly to your self.

Is there an ending to this afterlife? What is the purpose of my life if i'm standing here without nothing, is that what life is all about? is that what I've been struggling through all my 60years of my beating heart! Just to be attached to a pole and just wondering on and on without an end! Is that the price of all my hardworks in life? All my achievements? All my good deeds i've done! All my money i donate to the poor? And my children? I've raised them well enough and they are succesful in their life. Are they gonna end up like me? They must be dissapointed as i am right now.

I am an empty soul! Please save me, and guide me to a better purpose in life! Please, give me guidance. If only I've met you before and I know the beauty of you! I wouldn't be lingering here empty. Nothing. Hopeless. Abandon.Lonely. And depressed. I couldn't even cry, tears would't even flow. I couldnt' remember how long i've been wondering like this. Because i am empty.

Huh! Have you had enough pictures? This is what happen when you actually believe in Darwin's book and principles. This world is not just a mere coincidence that happens a billions years ago of how different particles and elements in the space fuse together to create oxygen, proteins or even the sun, how about human life! another coincidence?

Imagine the probabiltiy of you throwing a dice 6 times, and each throw you will get the exact nomber, exemple number 6. You can continue on doing this for eternity! the probabilty for you to have that is a probabilty near to zero! In other word, impossible! why? because when we throw the dice without any aim, it is called a random throw. but when we put an aim to the throw, we actually plan something and our plan cannot be done by a simple random throw. It needs some steps, plannngs to make it happens. example, by modifying the dice.

This is an exemple of a dice. Imagine about the space! Space is millions and millions or even billions times bigger than the size of a dice. So to think about life just happens in this small tiny of universe ; earth is a mere coincidence? Wao! Impossible.

So... is life actually a random trajectory of simple particles thus creating this world? Which means our life has no aim? We are just like walking robots? NO aim? no objectiveS?

Or our life is a well-planned phenomenon created by the Almighty? And we live this world for an aim and some objectives we should struggle for?

So, which definition of life are you fighting for?
Want to live your life as a random walking robot? Or a meaningful khalifah that has a well foresight objectives in his everyday life?

A reflection for us to think about...
As a muslim. we have two objectives in this life.

As to be the khalifah in this world(be a leader)
"And when thy Lord said unto the angels: Lo! I am about to place a viceroy(leader, khalifah, someone to lead this eart) in the earth, they said: Wilt thou place therein one who will do harm therein and will shed blood, while we, we hymn Thy praise and sanctify Thee? He said: Surely I know that which ye know not." (2:30)

And to worship Allah s.w.t
"I created the jinn and humankind only that they might worship Me." (51:56)

Saturday, August 21

Also on the authority of Omar, who said : One day while we were sitting with the messenger of Allah there appeared before us a man whose clothes were exceedingly white and whose hair was exceedingly black; no signs of journeying were to be seen on him and none of us knew him. He walked up and sat down by the prophet. Resting his knees against his and placing the palms of his hands on his thighs, he said:

"O Muhammed, tell me about Islam". The messenger of Allah said:
"Islam is to testify that there is no god but Allah and Muhammed is the messenger of Allah, to perform the prayers, to pay the zakat, to fast in Ramadhan, and to make the pilgrimage to the House if you are able to do so."
He said:"You have spoken rightly", and we were amazed at him asking him and saying that he had spoken rightly.

He said: "Then tell me about eman ."
He said:"It is to believe in Allah, His angels, His books, His messengers, and the Last Day, and to believe in divine destiny, both the good and the evil thereof."
He said:"You have spoken rightly".

He said: " Then tell me about ehsan ."
He said: "It is to worship Allah as though you are seeing Him, and while you see Him not yet truly He sees you".

He said: "Then tell me about the Hour"". He said: "The one questioned about it knows no better than the questioner." He said: "Then tell me about its signs."
He said: "That the slave-girl will give birth to her mistress and that you will see the barefooted, naked, destitute herdsman competing in constructing lofty buildings." Then he took himself off and I stayed for a time.

Then he said: "O Omar, do you know who the questioner was?" I said: "Allah and His messenger know best". He said: "He was Jebreel (Gabriel), who came to you to teach you your religion."

Friday, August 20

teknik mengayat : "awak cedereke?"

ketika beliau jalan-jalan. langkah beliau tersentak, dan peraliran darah beliau terhenti. Mata beliau kaku ke arah sesuatu. Beliau berusaha mengorak langkah dengan perlahan, dan berhati-hati,
Mereka berselisih... dia tidak mengerling walopon sesaat pon. Beliau bajet macho, dan menggoyangkan tangan seperti berkawad.... tapi lagak kejantanan beliau tidak dihiraukan. Perempuan tersbut jalan tidak menghiraukan beliau.

beliau : "kenapa awak jalan macm nie? kaki awak sakit ke? awak cedere ke?"
dia : "erm... saya tak sakit lah... kenapa awak cakap camtu?"
beliau : "sebab... gerangan awak seperti seorang bidadari yang jatuh dari syurga. saya takut awak cedera disebabkan awak jatuh tadi. awak ok?"

Gadis tersebut terkesima, dan senyum malu.....

Senarai tok kembali!

Perencah kari, kurma, Align Left
Ikan bilis.
Perencah nasi goreng segera,
Cili kering,
Perancah tomyam,
Asam jawa,

teknik mengayat : "Gula atau garam"

Beliau masuk ke dalam kedai runcit tersebut. Dengan jantungnnya berdegup kencang, dan matanya meliar-liar mencari sumber kegugupan beliau. haha. Ketika dikaunter, wajah gadis ayu mengukir senyuman yg manis kearah beliau. lalu terhenti dan secara tibe-tibe berkata.
"Gula ada jual tak? kalau ada dimana?" dengan kawalan macho! dan memberikan jelingan tajam smbil mengenyit mata.

Dia : " Gula ada kat belakang tuh je bang..."

Beliau mengatur langkar. dengan penuh cermat... berjalan tanpa cacat cela, menghabskan setengh jam tok mncari gula, smbil mata mencuri-curi tengok keindahan ciptaan Tuhan yg asyik membaca sebuah buku.

Beliau mengbil keputusan untuk berdepan dengannya....

Beliau: " Erm... dalam pek plastik nie garam eh?"
Dia : "A' ah tapi tadi kan abang nak cari gula tadi?"
Biliau terdiam, dn hanya melakar sebuah senyuman. setelah menyelesaikan bayaran. mengatur langkah keluar. tetapi sebelum smpat kakinya menjejak keluar kedai. beliau berpaling dan terus menju ke gadis tersebut.

Beliau : " Muka awak sangt manis, sehinggakan saya tertukar gula yang manis dan garam yang masin... Agak-agak bile kite bleh kapel?" hahahahaha

Thursday, August 19


Skrang ade 8 tolak 1 campur lagi 4. haha. aku rase kalau dapat buat bisnes jual hamster nie bleh jadi kaya kot. Ye ah. Skali mak die branak. 4 ekor kluar. Asalnya ade 8 hamster yg ckup besar-besar dan kantang-kantang blake, tapi sorang meninggal dunia dan telah kembali ke alam ghaib due hari lepas.

"Oit zaim! bgun cepat! hamster sorang mati! tolong tanam. dan ade semut dah yg makan bangkai tuh" adoi, aku tengh elok-
elok dilamun mimpi yng indah terkejut ngun jeritan minah sorang nie (akak aku)
"yer yer" dan kembali "kroh kroh" respond aku.

Selang due jam kemudian, aku pon amik inisiatif tuk bgun, mandi-manda, bersihkan diri sendri, dan mencari bankai hamster yg mati tuh. haha. Punyelah terkejut tengok tengkok die ade kesan kne gigit! masya! kesian hamster nie. dalam berdarah kot kesan gigitan tuh. Soz aku tnpa berlengah lagi, misi menyelamatkan hamster hrus diteruskan tk kre situasi camne pon. Amik tisu(ketebalan yg pasti) balut balut hamster tuh. dan tanam hamster tuh. haish. Bersemadilah engkau wahai hamster bersama sayu-sayuran di ladang mak aku nie
(aku tnam tepi pokok cili mak aku)
Baik tok tanah ble decomposition berlaku. betul kE? kakak aku tidak menidakkannye, maknenye betullah tuh.

Dan hari nie. muncul lah 5 ekor hamster yng bru beranak!

aiman : "banglong-banglong hamster beranak"

woho. mane mane? menariknye. okeh isi penting dalam post nie. ak nk terangkan betapa damainye hati aku ble tengok emak hamster tersebut gigit anak
die panjat tangga dalam sangkar die ke tingkat atas (2tingkat) dan letak elok-elok dalam rumah hmster tuh. Woho! serius, nie satu fenomena yg menggelikan hati aku. dan aku tersenyum sorang sorang. Lepas satu-satu anak die angkat naik tangga, jalan terkecok-kecok naik tanga. nmpak cam menyeksakan. tapi tulah yang diharungi oleh si-ibu hamster tersebut tok
selamatkan anak-anaknye dari dimakan oleh hamster lain-lain tuh.

fakta.1. berdasarkan kajian adik aku. ehem.ehem. aku tk bertanggungjawb atas kesahihan fakta ni. Dia cakap, anak hamster yang baru lahir slalu kene makan ngun babak die ato hamster hamster lain atas dasar kebodohan dan ke-bengap-an mereka sebagai makhluk Tuhan tnpa akal. Sebabtuh tadi, mak hamster tersebut, berusaha sedaya upaya tok selamatkan anak-anak die. Woho! perjuangan seorang ibu yg bernama hamster.
Soz. ble ade jew anak hamster yg bru lahir, cepat-cepat pisahkan anak tersebut ngun ibu die ke sangkar lain, huh. takde sangkar? oooo. pegilah beli mat oi! beli yang besar-besar tros klo boleh. kate nk buat bisness hamster! ble yg ade roller coster skali. biak hamster
tuh mati kesukaan dan kegirangan bermain lam sangkar tuh!

fakta.2. Hamster yg baru jew melahirkan hamster-hamster kecil mudah tension dan tertekan. Soz klo korang nyer hamster bru digelar ibu, jgnlah dok asyik belai-belai die, dok usha-usha ponggong hamster tuh. kesian derang. Biarkan mereka jaga anak meraka. Nnti derang tension dan tertekan derang akan makan anak-anak merka sendri. kesian zuriat yg baru dilhirkan tuh.
Jagn kaco mereka, letak die ngun sangkar die kat satu sdut biar die keseorangan. tapi pasti makann ngun minum bagi ah. jgn biar die belapar walopon ko rase atas sebab menjaga tahap -ketensionan- hamster tuh. bgi makanan pon lupe! Ingt!
begitulah tips-tips dari yang pakar membela hamster :)

p/s: gmbar diatas sekadar hiasan. Bukan gmbar sebenar. haha. Kalau ade masa. akan diuploadkan.

refleksi diri....
erm. hamster pon reti menjaga dan menyelamatkan anak mereka. kita plak bagaimana? bayi yg bru dilahirkan sptutnye berada dengan penuh kasih sayang di dalam dakapan ibu mereka. tpi??? Bayi yg baru dilhirkan disambut dengan pnuh kesayangn oleh sang baba sambil melaungkan azan di telinge mereka.... tetapi??? Byi yg dilhirkan dibasuh dan dibersihkan dengan cermatnye oleh jururawat... tetapi??? Ibu yang melahirkan anak, digenggam erat tangan si-ibu oleh si-bapa. menunjukkan tunjang satu keluarga yang bahgia. sama-sama mengharungi suka duka dan pahit manis kehidupan.... tetapi????? teriakan si anak dilaung merdu dan seluruh kakitangan hospital mengangkat tangan bersyukur atas satu nikmat dan kurniaan Allah kurniakan kepada manusia... tetapi???

inilah realiti...
Keadaan yang menjijikkan, bau yang tidak menyenangkan, kuman-kuman, sisa-sisa darah, tali pusat yg tidak putus, tubuh badan dibalut ketat oleh plastik tongsampah. dibuang, ditanam, di mana-mana jew yg derang rase spot pling terbaik. Tandas awam menjadi tmpat pembuangan bayi moden! bawah jampatan dimana mengalir air sungai secara tenangnye kini membawa sisa-sisa darah, bau-bau busuk dan lain-lain lagi....

bodohlah manusia kalau bende-bende camnie pon kne ajar. Kne tunjuk dn paparkan kat derang jugak imej-imej yg menjijikkan baru mereka sedar. kempen-kempen dan kursus-kursus istimewa di PLKN mesti didedahkan kepada mereka. tak rasa diri bodoh? haha. perkara simple dan senang, tak perlu otak istimewa (iQ tinggi) atau kecenderongan untuk menyelesaikan segala persaamaan matemetik. perasaan kasih sayang jew dan belas kasihan dan sifat kemanusiaan sajew yg korang kne applikasikan dlm diri korang. senang kan? jgnlah bertindak bodoh sebb manusia adalah sebaik-baik kejadian. sekian.

Wednesday, August 18

a true citizen of one malaysia

Dalam kesibukan kita dalam melaksanakan urusan seharian kita, tak sangke an ade sorang member India kita yang tk berkire, untuk spend hampir rm2000 hanye untuk memberi minuman percuma kepada sesiape pon an.

Bila ditanye, bilau menjawawb, ni satu tindakan yang beliau lakukan untuk menghormati mereka orang islam, yang menjalani ibadah puasa Orang bukan islam pon paham istilah memberi tanpa mengira keuntungan. Kita camne plak?haha. Dan bende nie mnunjukkan rasa toleransi ble die sanggup spend 2000! woho. bnyak bai. kalo kite? ade 2000 dalam tangan. beli speck rayben 1000. tuh perkara wajib.haha. beli pakaian mahal-mahal. save-save duit nk berjudi. pi clubbing jagn lupe. eh-eh. tersasul lak.

The Prophet also said: "Give charity without delay, for it stands in the way of calamity."
- Al-Tirmidhi, Hadith 589

The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: "Every Muslim has to give in charity." The people then asked: "(But what) if someone has nothing to give, what should he do?" The Prophet replied: "He should work with his hands and benefit himself and also give in charity (from what he earns)." The people further asked: "If he cannot find even that?" He replied: "He should help the needy who appeal for help." Then the people asked: "If he cannot do (even) that?" The Prophet said finally: "Then he should perform good deeds and keep away from evil deeds, and that will be regarded as charitable deeds."- Sahih Al-Bukhari, Volume 2, Hadith 524

Woho. Mane kite nk cari orang camni? waha! inilah jenis manusia yang aku harap dapat jumpe dan menjadi. takke sejuk hati kite. ble kite tengok orang lain sanggup berkorban ape saje. hanye tok melakukan perkara baik? Despite sme jutawan-jutawan kat malaysia yng gaji berjuta -juta. tapi duit habis dilabrkan kepada kepentingan diri sendri. Tapi ade seeorang rakyat yg kluar duit 2000jew.
perh. tpi tersentuh satu rakyat malaysia yg nmpak pengorbnn die.

p/s: sesuatu yang mustahil ke tok kite mencapai kefahaman sesame kaum di negare kite nie??? InsyaAllah. tidak.

for more informatin. klik disni.

Monday, August 16

facts about smokers

Bro... nie rumah aku bro. ko jgn buat kuang ajar nk buat rumah nie cm ko punyer. Dlm rumah nie ade ko nmpak sign " Smoking is not prohibited" ato ade ko nmpak astray-astray berselerak? ato ko nmpak debu debu rokok kat halaman rumah nie. Tak an? yang ko buat sial nk tunjuk macho ko kat aku asal bro? Aku bnci smokers. Dan aku tk sanjung lgsung mereka yg belagak cam diri derang hebat ble smoke dpn orang lain. Kalo dh tk tahan sangt nak smke tuh, pegi ah menyorok kat corok mane mane den layan ah nafsu asap ko tuh sepuas-puasnye. Tk payah nk tnjuk kejantanan ko kat aku. Aku jantan gak. tk terliur aku tengok ko.

Bro tuh ilek jew jalan kat ruang tamu, smbil hembus-hembus asap rokok die. Tahap iQ yang lembab. Dya pemikiran yang low. Bajet die lah hero yg orang lain sjud respek. haha. Buat aku tergelak lah sial!. Pegi mmpus ko ngun asap rokok ko dan ko yang bajet macho dpn orang ramai ble orang tengok ko smoker! Tak cool doeee.....

Engkau nak isap pegi ah kluar jap. Isap kt tepi tingkap ke, tuh aku paham ah. ko tk ganggu privasi orang dlm rumah ni an. tapi yg ko belagak sangt nk hembus asap ko dpn aku asal bro? Perh... di bulan-bulan ramdan nie. ade jew bnde yg manusia buat nk bgi orang sakit ati.
nukilan.hati.saya. :)

i'm free of any drug or nicotine addictives. have a normal and healty lungs.merci beaucoup.

Sunday, August 15

Inquisitive feeling.

I want to broaden my knowledge of everything, let's reflect ourselves rather than giving and complaining bout others being incomplete and astray in all life point of view. let's narrate in first person view rather than third or second. Let's change a "them" to an "I". Overall, let's criticize ourselves, and open a door for criticism and ugly insults soz then we can build a proper foundation to our confidence and everyday habits that people glare and claim to be useless and a waste of time. woho!

I like to lay down doing nothing while my mind float to every possible imagination of who i wanna be. Making sentences in my mind like "if i was.... then...." Sometime it even cross my mind that all blames are all to the people surrounding me. Loser i was at that time! how pathetic and disgusted i am right now thinking back to that me. Soz let's paint a beautiful masterpiece that describe what our future will be with our bare hands shall we?. Experience through hardship and pain lead us to become who we should be in the future. :)

i like to let my mind floats over everything that interests me. hoho

First imagination:
i want to be a superhero, like a guy with soz many powerful and cool gadgets that u can hide underneath your clothes. Not like a man with special abilities,with a strong muscular force like Goku in dragonBall, or a man with eyesight that can see through walls, or a man with lightning attribute, that can conjure lightning with a simple clap. But a superhero who can fly is kinda awesome though, maybe I'll save one special ability against all the other possibilities a superhero can have. haha. Okeh my superhero can fly with cool gadgets and a lot of hidden small stuffs that i can use to save humankind. Erm, my superhero reflects a bit like Batman, u know Bruce Will, a billionaire with so many assets he can build himself a deep cave which contains all his superheroes stuffs, but differ from mine is that Batman cannot fly, i mean he sure has that flapping wing that can expand to help him gains some frictions while jumping from a high attitude. But that doesn't approve my definition of fly for a superhero, haha... see see??
I mean u have to start from lower ground and reach to a higher level, that what "fly" means, u must start from below to reach the top. get it?
Okeh now i have my imaginary superhero that i can transform anytime i want with the help of a super cool watch. Let's get going to save the planet from evil!

Second imagination.
I want a big and healthy animal that can fly and i can ride behind it, like a dragon. yup. But a friendly one that doesn't burst fire towards his master. Like a very discipline dragon who obeys every words u say. Hoho. Then i ride behind it, flying through the clouds, seeing the world from a different view. Best!
The main and most important part is this dragon can fly very fast to the extent that the barrier that separates reality and fantasy succumbs and u enter a perplex dimension where gravity is not consequence, there's no force that keeps your feet to the ground, and u see river flowing against the slope. waterfall actually rise rather than fall. and u see flying creatures swim the ocean which floats and crawling animals actually walk the air and u sat there watching this perplex imagination of yours with your frindly dragon friend. wondering what an inverted world u have created. And in this world. only u and your friendly dragon can enter. and u spend the time in it when u are frustrated with reality. And u can actually lay down with no disturbances and your mind is at peace. While your dragon snores peacefully next to you.

then i snore asleep while mp3 is still singing "wedding dress" by teayong.


Wednesday, August 11


16days before my flight leaving my family, i've post the same title last year regarding 16days before my flight to france, and this year, it's the same 16. I think maybe i'll continually post 16 in every year each time i return back.

It's a coincidence actually when i realise, tonight is 16days before my flight to KL. funny rite?

Let's explore within me, what are the feelings rite now. considering ime in the same dateline as last year. First of all. I'm so eager to be back to France because i can't wait to set up my new appartement, buying new furnitures, decorating the house and buying good stuffs of entertainment. well, overall, ime eager to find out what my life will be for my first semester as an international student in a foreign country. Well, it's a lot to explore and a lot of supply to be ready such as
high self-esteem, confidence in communication, and believing in one self.

Did i already pack all those supplies securely within me?
Am i ready to strike the enemy's frontline with this insufficient preparation of mine, if ime preparing myself to battle that is. Am i ready? well, it's the second time i'm gonna leave my family behind, away from my own culture and my beloved nation, it's not too tragic compare to my first time last year.

But still it remains an hesitation i must face and the main question will always be asked:

"Am i ready????"

This year won't be the same, i somehow fell a tiny hole missing within me. As though an encouraging words from someone whom i painfully miss are missing. I stand alone this time. No one to guide my hand till the the very last seconds i reach my destination. On the other hand, i will not complaint, i will not back down and i will only strive forward as a missile programed to be launch. I am strong as a stainless steel.
If my supports crumble, and i lose my gravity. I simply reach out and regain my balance.

"my life is not fated in the hand of someone. But it's painted with my own brush. And decorated with my own designs. and being judged with the power of God."

I can stand tall where everyone blend to give up.
Because I am a beautiful creation of my Lord. Alhamdulillah.


"Banglong.... camne nk amik wuduk? adik lupe ah. Mula-mula muka, hidung, pastu tangn... erm. tak ingt lah banglong."

"Adik penat lah banglong... tadi semyng terawih lame sangt..."- Aku tanye balik. kenapa tak berhenti jew semayng, kalau adik penat, berhentilah. Die jawab. Alah, adik takot nnti abglong marah adik.
[ aku nie abg yang garang??!! haha]

"Nak makan roti canai"
-Selepas due keping roti canai die abiskan.
"Nak lagi sekeping banglong"
-menjadi kuli dalam melayan adik aku. Dia cakap "roti canai kan makanan fevret adik"

Sejak bila adik aku kecik umor 7thun nie pandai mengajak aku pegi semyang pon tk tau lah. Kejutan budaya ble first time dipakse adik tok bawak die pegi semyang terawih gak. Haha. Tadi tengh die sibuk melayan game di komputer aku. Die asyik tanye jam jew. Aku pon hairan. ASal budak nie nak jadi ponctuel sal mase lak nie.

Rupe-rupenye. die tunggu waktu masuk isya' untuk pegi semyang terawih. Aku hairan.
Nie respon die ble aku bertanda soal.?! :

"Ustazah adik sruh adik semyang lah bang, die cakap dapat bnyak pahala pegi semyang terawih.."

ooo... baru aku paham. tapi disebalik pujukan ustazah tuh. aku rase die pegi pon sbb dah janji ngun kawan-kawan die nak pegi semyang. Erm. bagusnye budak nie. Dari kecik-kecik dah ade pengaruh kawan yang baik.

Kalau kalian mau lihat. Inilah adik aku.Bergaya dengan baju spiderman die. Diberi name, Muhammad Daniel Hakim, bersekolah di darjah1 di Sekolah Rendah TLDM Teluk Sepanggar, Kota Kinabalu. Dan satu info yang menarik, bu
dak nie gagap, rase nak tampar muke die kuat-kuat, orang ckp, kalau tmpar tyme orng tuh gagap, gagap die leh jadi orait. Tapi, tak kesampaian ah wei, aku kan abng yang penyayang.Kalau dapat gmbar die pakai baju melayu, rockerz beb adek aku! haha.


a love letter from me.

Dear world.
I want to be a better person. And i hope your thoughts about me will finally change. But it remains somehow the same. And please world. Accept be for who i am. peace from this tiny fragment of you, zaim.

One can pursue so much happiness but yet he will flee from it's own contentment. but why is that? I thought in this holy month, we all should be very happy and our life would be filled with joy despite the hunger and thirst we all must endure. But it contains far more hikmah than the obstacles itself.

Why are we so hard to find such happiness in a fantasy we create for what we don't know the existence while we are constantly in reality living in it????
Somehow it is hidden deep down our self, and waited to be found. But we keep on going and going without even glancing backward to find the cheer of our life is just waving behind us to be spotted. Hilarious how this can even occurs.

A story of a seeker.
People always seek something far more greater than what he can handle and yet he is carrying a load himself that he throws away accordingly to reduce his burden in finding his own fantasy. And at the end. he finds himself exhausted and tired of searching and he looks himself and he finds nothing. The load that he carries from the beginning became a burden to him. So he throws them away. The foods that keep him from hunger and tent that covers him when night falls down. The burning matches that warms him against the breeze wind of winter.
These tools are consider a burden for him in pursuing his own envisagement. How pitiful if we found our self in that situation.

The one we seek is untouchable, while the load we carry is forgotten. Then we find our self with nothing.

We alll have a goal that keeps us from falling. one can struggle so much for his loved ones because he sees his life only with her, and he finds joy only with her face.
Money can somehow be our final destination, it rends us more valuable in future life, it gives us pleasure and complete our lust.
But can we actually put our first priority of all to love our self above others. I know somehow it may occurs to you, that u will think that person over there wearing that tight cap is better than you. U regard him superior in all matters. And u condemn yourself for not being the same.
"This world is a wonder because all the differences that exist. " And u must think high of yourself.

Shit those people who pursue others while forgetting to pursue deep down himself. Your happiness only lies within you! Not from others u must seek. It all come back down to yourself. So for those people who are roughly eager enough to find a limitless happiness from other people. Search first within yourself. Once your can finally master the true self-loving and think highly of yourself. Then you can travel the world. And somehow you will smile.

A smile from me as a gratitude for who i am. And am proud to be who i am.Thank God for this wonderful person you create and I'll make a full use to it, until the day soul rips from my body, and i can no longer breath, and my heart stops beating and until the day i simply die :).

Monday, August 9

Alhamdulillah. camnie rupenye aku...

Anda Lahir Pada: Khamis, 5, Ramadhan, 1411 Hijrah



Dia baik, pendiam, suka merendah diri. Dia tidak angkuh kepada teman yang dikenalinya. Dia tidak suka menonjolkan diriya. Kehidupannya selalu selamat.

Baru aku sedar, yang birthday aku tak lame lagi mengikut kalendar islam. Herm. Kalau ikut kalendar islam. Aku dalam beberapa hari lagi genap 20thun dilahirkan. haha
herm. agak menarik.

1Borneo. Kota Kinabalu. Bandar Aku.

Peristiwa pertama.
Meng main bowling dan mendapat 3strike berturut-turut adalah satu pengalaman yg mencuitkan hati. haha. Walopon meng lawan akak aku je pon. Tapi still satu kemenangan.
Okeh. weekend nie cube main ngun adik-bradik lain plak. Dengar cite Hadi macam power jew. erm. nnti bleh test kehebatan die.

Peristiwa ke-2
Mencuba archery. 3 sukan yang Nabi galakkan pemuda pemuda tok mahir ialah berenang, menunggang kuda dan memanah. Dan tadi aku cube memanah. Adeh. Bleh tahan berat pemanah tuh. Aku dapat panah smpai 5batang. Tangan aku dah start lengoh lengoh dah. AKak aku sebelah rilek jew an. haha. takpe. nie dah second time die buat. Aku baru berjinak jinak nk main ngun tali pemanah tuh. Tapi stil bowling aku hebat! haha

Peristiwa ketige.
Main pool. 3hinggit. Aku pakse akak aku main jugak walopon die taknak. Erm. perasaan bile kite bagi bola tuh masuk lubang die, perasaan yg menggembirakan hati. erm. seyes kalau rase cam tension lam hidup. Jom ah cube pool. walopon tension nk betulkan tangn nk dapat grip yg betul. Tapi bile ko dh dapat. haha. hentam hentam aja bla yang ada. Akak aku berenti main sblom abis game. Soz aku pukul jelah dengan sukenye sume bole-bole yang tinggal. hehe.

Konklusi. Last skali, aku teman lah minah tuh makan kat SecretRecipe tuh. kate nk makan brownies ape tah. soz aku follow lah. walopon kebnyakan game yang diatas aku yang conquer. tapi still ikut je die. den kitrang balik.

Senyum yer dari saya. :)

Sunday, August 8

come and join me please.

Kaki ku tidak jejak tanah. Kenape ek? herm. pastu tetibe kawan aku gelak kuat sangt. skit gegandang telinge aku. kenape ek?

Aku ke dapur ke tadi? eh. terlupe lak. ooo. kat mangkuk jamban. aish. bile masa lak aku masuk.

Ok. bagus kamu yang angkat tangan. Sila beri komen kamu?
Huh? Kamu cari duit syiling? wao... isk jgnlah gelak. dan tetibe aku gelak smpai ak tak ingt ape yang lucu.
Member nombo satu. die pon trun. wei mgkuk. ape yg lucu sangt!

membe nombo due. die gelak sebab die nampak aku keluarkan duit syiling dari poket aku.
dan kami tercetus dalam satu pergaduhan. Siapa yg gelak kuat sangt tadi!
Pastu satu ketika. semue orang senyap. Kembali dalam fikiran masing masing. Den membe ketige bgun. die berlari ke tandas. dan tros tertido di atas mangkuk jamban. mereka tergelak terbahak bahak.

Aku dengan muka tidak bersalah. turun tangga dan perhatikan. apakah gerangan mereka nie?


Saya mau cakap sabah baa. tapi tiap kali saya cakap. orang ingt saya berenang dari indon sih. (loghat sabah)

"SPeck RayBen ini berapa?"

KakComel:" Speck ini ade banyak koleksi dik. pilihlah yg mana berkenan dihati..."

"Maksud saya harganya berapa?"

kak.comel:"Harganya terpampang sudah disitu. kamu tengok ajalah..."

"Akak ini sangat bijak baa. Tidak aku nampak harganya disitu. Kerana terlalu bnyak digit. ingtkan die punya nombor siri... Baik lah kak... terima kasih aja..."

Hehe.. Musnah harapan aku untuk bergaya di tengh panas. Smbil memkai speck hitam yng segak..Haish.... mengeluh dengan panjang.....

Friday, August 6

Gare de Tours 17July2010

Assalamualaikum. Disini aku tengh menunggu di Gare de Tours sambil berlagak macam orang bisnessman.Rasa sangat bangga. Dengan komputer LenovoY450 berdiri tegap atas «Lap» aku. Saya mampu berlagak macam seorang usahawan muda. Sambil mendengar lagu yang agak menarik. Hehe. Iaitu lagu Wonderwall dari band yang agak pames. Oasis. Saya sangat tertarik dengan pemandangn disini. Masing masing sibuk dengan urusan masing masing. Setiap manusia yang lalu lalang di depan mata saya memberi saya ilham untuk terus hidup dan teroka dunia yang penuh cabaran dan misteri ini. Satu train dari Paris tiba di Gare de Tours. Diorang pon kluar dengan beg masing masing. Tanpa menghiraukan mereka disekeliling mereka dan terus menuju ke luar pintu Gare sambil melihat lihat dan mengintai ngintai orang yang mereka nantikan untuk menyambut kedatangan mereka.

Agaknya. Camtulah telatah aku setiap kali aku kluar dari Gare. Macam diorang gak. Sibuk dengan urusan aku. Dan kekadang kita lupa untuk melihat dan perhatikan keadaan sekililing kita. Sambil bersyukur kehadrat Ilahi betapa besarnya nikmat dan anugerah kurniaan Beliau kepada kita.

Ermmm. Makin lama kita membesar. Cara kita fikir dan otak kita sudah makin matang. Kita mula persoalkan tujuan hidup kita. Hak hak kita sebgai manusia, dan mula persoalkan larangan dan had had kita sebagai seorang manusia. Kita dilahirkan dan dibesarkan oleh nikmat dan anugerah yang Tuhan berikan kepada kita. Kita dijaga dan dipelihara sejak dari kandungan lagi oleh Allah yang maha kuasa atas setiap makhluknya. Kita diberi makanan. Kita diberkian kurnian roh. Dan akal sejak dari kecil lagi. Tapi kenapa bila kita sudah besar dan mula berfikiran matang. Dan mula menyalahgunakan otak kita, kita bersikap angguh dan takabur dengan nikmat dan kurnian yang Allah berikan kepada kita. Kita mula fikirkan yang kita hidup didunia ini, hanyalah semata mata untuk bersuka ria dan mengisi kekosongan nafsu kita. Kita mula persoalkan yang haram dan yang halal. Kenapa aku tak bleh makan makann haram. Makann yang bukan dibunuh dengan nama Allah. Sedangkan manusia lain yang tidak beragama islam hidup dengan makanan camni pon derang bleh sihat. Haha. Siapakah kita untuk menanyakan soalan camni. Kita hanyalah seorang makhluk ciptaan yang dicipata dengan satu tujuan jew. Iaitu beribadat, dan menjadi khaifah. Dan disini aku ingin menasihat diri aku sendri dan juga mereka yang disekeliling supaya ingt balik asal usul dan siapakah kita sebnarnya. Siapakah aku? Apakah tujuan aku?

Hidup kita didunia bagaikan satu penjara. Apabila aku menghembuskan nafasku yang terakhir. Makan terlepaslah aku dari dunia itu. Itulah nikmat yang paling hebat bagiku. Dan aku disambut oleh bidadari bidadari dari syurga. Dan melihat air sungaiMu yang mengalir di bawah kaki tanpa henti henti. Dan aku mendapat haruman seharum kasturi. Ak bersyukur. Bukakanlah pintu dan kurungan aku ini supaya aku dapat bersamamu. Bersama-sama dengan utusan Mu yang paling ku cinta. Aku menitiskan air mata melihat betapa anggkuhnya dan takaburnya aku disisimu YaAllah. Berikanlah aku hidayat. Dan pentunjuk supaya aku tidak leka dengan nafsuku ini.

Pengembaraanku sebgai hambaMu. 17.July.2010.

Ku bersujud kepadaMu.

Cloud my dear friend is...

a good headstart to dream....
Today nothing while yesterday is ass-kicking-damn-much-boring. wonder what tomorrow might be. btw. got the plans and vision all clear in my mind. the same old fucking routine from the start. just a shit to live in.

Wake up realy late in the morning and go to sleep very early. directly feed myself. and sitting in front of this LENOVO. waiting something that will give this heart a breaking sensation of excitement. but the hope only let me dream a swirming feeling in this vast ocean of clouds where you are on top bouncing in a beatiful and perfect wolrd created by yourself. what a freedom. and the hope will only lasts as you keep your bouncing and focus on the clouds so that you will not fall down to realise that the clouds are distractions of you from the reality itself. once you realise it. u will feel this strange sensation of lost! the ground shakes and the mountain crumble an eerie feeling filled the air, and you breath yourself with anger and disapointment!

And you know u are angry with yourself and disapoint with yourself. no one to blame but yourself only. you expect too much! and yours expects arent good enough to even move you forward bcuz you need the head start!. and since you are living in your dream. your first step towards your greatness is just a mere illusion u used to fool YOU and only YOU.

Peace bro! enough dreaming and start make the pace! feeling proud of who you are! talk shit to those who think shit of you! you are the greatest. if no one expects high from you! remember you always have your inner part(heart&soul) that always keep you going! talk to them!. and maybe you will hear from them. a simple mathematical equation where you find the cause an consequence and each of them needs one another to start making the history!


Someone said to me once.

"Success is not what u get after some hardship and endurance but it's the whole journey that brings and defines true success."

Nice quote huh? Soz if you don't have the sufficient result to be proud of it and to show to your parents you are worthy of being their son or daughter. Teach this simple quote to them and for sure they will broaden their way of thinking. Correct-correct.

But it is also not an excuse for you to not try hard enough to aim for a better result. Don't search for such a lame excuse if you are too lazy to be succesful in life. Cause it is pityful. But think of it as an opportunity and a positive way of thinking to become a better person than before. Cheer my friend!

I like Guitar...

Je joueais de la Guitare toute la journee aujourd'hui, et voila qqchose qui intrique personne. Rien de special se passe aujourd'hui, tout se passe comme prevure.
Je me leve tres tard, tout de suite a table pour manger, et mes parents qui sont deja au travail et je reste a la maison avec ma soeur. ennuye sans rien faire, avec le meme expression dans mon visage, le meme en plus depuis mon arrive a Sabah. QUe la vie est ennuye, et j'avais parle qu'on doit bien profiter la vie car la vie est une fois seulement.
Et voila je me trouve dans une situation ou je ne profite rien du tout car je m'ennuie et je ne sais pas comment bien le profiter.
Ne me prend pas comme une grande example de quelqu'un qui sait de quoi il parle. Car j'ai aucunne idee. Et voila tout.
Mais voila une chose que je veux bien parler. J'aime jouer de la quitare. Je me sentais tres tranquille et serene. Une chose dans ma vie qui me pousse a etre qui je suis!. D'accord, la vie n'est pas si miserable qu'on le croit. Mais tout revient quand meme de notre pensee de la vie. Et tout revient a notre coeur. De quoi il est remplit. Une conseil qui vous fera pas de mal. Regarde et parle avec son coeur. Car ca nous aide un peu a bien profiter les occasions qui nous sautent aux yeux mais lesquelles on ne les voit pas! Une chose a bien reflichir.
J'ecris sans accents car je n'ai pas encore une clavier francais. Mais je l'acheterai bien sur des mon arrivee a Laval. Avant que mes cours commencent. J'ai environ une semaine de bien preparer ma maison et de la bien decorer. Car l'environment est une chose principale de la reussite. Quand on est dans une environement tranquille, ca nous pousse a bien fonctionner notre cerveau, n'est-ce pas mon ami? Et voila une petite photo de ma maison. hehe

Hahaha..... et voila les choses que j'ai a dire aujourd'hui. La prochaine fois je ferai plus attention a ecrire avec plein d'humour. J'espere que ca n'echoue pas la prochaine fois. Merci!

Thursday, August 5

claim all that u want...

People claim that they are mature and the decisions they make are caused from their matured thinking. and they claim to have made the brightest decision of all and to be at top where the others are just a mere disturbance in what they soz called mature and civilise lifestyle.

They are considering the world is spinning around them and the world with the things inside are just tools for them. they dont care about others. all they do is about self-loving-while-hating-those-people-who-give-no-benefit-in-their-usual-lifestyle.

it always come to this point in your paradigm; u may ignore the existence of people and run away from the responsibility as a caring citizen of humankind, and hate all people that give shit to you but, with all this stupid and hideous style thinking of yours. u will receive the same effects as the people around you start to loath u and kicking your ass for the eternity that will never cease. people will give no shit about your life and u r no more importance that the word importance itself.

u are just a civilisation’s trash that waits it’s time to be dump and throw in a very disgrace way.

people hate and ignore the existence of you!. if u cant help others and not noticing why soz just please help yourself to be a good looking and not disturbing in a polite way of sitting world’s biggest trash! get out of civilised world!

build yourself a home in the jungle! stay there like a healthy monkey! and life your life with all those those trash thinking and shit paradigm of yours. teach them to animal kind soz you will have some living creatures with no brain to communicate and share your so called mature paradigm!

U give the society a fucking damn shit to be erased from their memory! u are responsible for this! for the new generation that will look into you and claim to follow your shit ass paradigm. u break the society of love to the society of loath.

kids no longer show respect to their loved ones. even they have no self-respect towards themself. they have no pride!. they have nothing to make them special above others. u destroy the mind of a new born generation!

U are responsible for all this! U teach shit! i fucking hate you!