Wednesday, August 11


16days before my flight leaving my family, i've post the same title last year regarding 16days before my flight to france, and this year, it's the same 16. I think maybe i'll continually post 16 in every year each time i return back.

It's a coincidence actually when i realise, tonight is 16days before my flight to KL. funny rite?

Let's explore within me, what are the feelings rite now. considering ime in the same dateline as last year. First of all. I'm so eager to be back to France because i can't wait to set up my new appartement, buying new furnitures, decorating the house and buying good stuffs of entertainment. well, overall, ime eager to find out what my life will be for my first semester as an international student in a foreign country. Well, it's a lot to explore and a lot of supply to be ready such as
high self-esteem, confidence in communication, and believing in one self.

Did i already pack all those supplies securely within me?
Am i ready to strike the enemy's frontline with this insufficient preparation of mine, if ime preparing myself to battle that is. Am i ready? well, it's the second time i'm gonna leave my family behind, away from my own culture and my beloved nation, it's not too tragic compare to my first time last year.

But still it remains an hesitation i must face and the main question will always be asked:

"Am i ready????"

This year won't be the same, i somehow fell a tiny hole missing within me. As though an encouraging words from someone whom i painfully miss are missing. I stand alone this time. No one to guide my hand till the the very last seconds i reach my destination. On the other hand, i will not complaint, i will not back down and i will only strive forward as a missile programed to be launch. I am strong as a stainless steel.
If my supports crumble, and i lose my gravity. I simply reach out and regain my balance.

"my life is not fated in the hand of someone. But it's painted with my own brush. And decorated with my own designs. and being judged with the power of God."

I can stand tall where everyone blend to give up.
Because I am a beautiful creation of my Lord. Alhamdulillah.


dilah said...

hmm.ksiannye.i mean ayt ni "an encouraging words from someone whom i painfully miss are missing"aku dh bce entry ko yg lame2.carila dye.nt ko mnyesal kunk.haa...

zaim said...

woho! ku terbang terbang... melayang melayang layang. pikiranku melayang... lala~

dilah said...

eleh.malu la tu...haha